Our History

The Rotary Club of Dayton, Ohio

Historical Overview

By: Bob Richards

The Early Years

The world’s first service organization, later to be known as the Rotary Club of Chicago, grew from an unpretentious meeting of four men in Room 711 of the Unity Building on Dearborn Street in Chicago. They were Paul Harris, a lawyer; Silvester Schiele, a coal dealer; Gustavus E. Loehr, a mining engineer and Hiram E. Shorey, a merchant tailor. They talked about an idea that Paul Harris had been pondering for five years. It was simply this: That business relations could – and should – foster friendly relations. The date of this meeting, February 23, 1905.

So began Rotary in the early 1900’s in the pioneer town of Chicago. Five years after Rotary’s birth, there were sixteen Rotary clubs and approximately 1,500 Rotarians. Within that same period, the organization became international with the formation of a club in Winnipeg, Canada in 1910.

On May 27, 1912, sixteen Daytonians met with Russell Greiner, President of the Kansas City Club in the ballroom of the Dayton Club. Among them were Scott Pierce to become the Clubs’ first President (and a near relative of Barbara Bush) and James Woodhull whose legacy initiated the endowment fund for our club.

The Provisional Club received its full membership as Club No. 47 in the International Association of Rotary Clubs with proper charter presentation ceremonies on June 2, 1913.

While the Club was still in a provisional status, the Miami River, with appalling suddenness, burst it’s bounds on Tuesday, March 25, 1913. Among those who rallied to help were the Rotarians, both from Dayton and other clubs in the United States and Canada. After the debris was cleared, practically all Dayton Rotarians joined the effort to raise two million dollars to finance flood protection measures which resulted in the massive earthen dams at strategic points up and down the Miami Valley.

During the flood, aid in the form of money, supplies and medicine was received from Cincinnati, Portland, Oregon and Winnipeg, Canada, to name a few. A total of $4,200 of financial aid was disbursed without a cent going to any Rotarian. Each employee of a Rotarian suffering a severe loss was given $100 worth of household goods. This money was contributed by his Rotarian employer.

Among individual Rotarians performing extraordinary services were Dr. H. H. Herman, physician at National Cash Register, where 700 refugees were brought in. The following day he had the assistance of 42 doctors and 74 nurses from Cincinnati and they treated 1700 people. Major Robert L. Hubler assumed military command of the city, feeding 21,000 people daily.

The new form of city administration with a City Manager as the chief executive was instituted in October, 1914 with special tribute to Rotarians J. A. Oswald and Lee W. James. Colonel Henry Waite was hired at a salary of $25,000. Dayton was the first city in the United States to use the City Manager form of government.

Orville Wright was named the first Honorary member of Dayton Rotary on February 5, 1914.

The Greater Dayton Association was founded in 1914 as a new commercial club to absorb the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. The Rotary Club took an active role in this project which soon boasted a membership of 6,000, the largest commercial association in the country.

The ‘Dayton Rotary Smile” made it’s first appearance on January 15, 1915. It was started on 90 days probation with the backing of 24 Rotarians who responded to an appeal for advertising support. The name, “Rotary Smile” was adopted at the suggestion of International President Frank Mulholland who was known for being strong for “smiles”.

A monster civic booster meeting was sponsored by the Rotary Club and held at the new Hotel Miami the evening of October 21,1915. Through street meetings every evening until election day; two large trucks carrying a stereopticon and screen; a small band, singer and speakers so that facts and figures could be explained clearly. On election morning, all Rotarians volunteered their services at the polls. The result was an overwhelming vote in favor of civic bonds and a wonderful expression of Dayton’s manager form of government.

Because of a particularly effective speech by Joe Lowesq the energetic chairman of the Boy s Work Committee, on September 30, 1915, Jake Oswald moved with unanimous accord, that the Rotary Club get behind the Boy Scout movement. Consequently all Rotarians committed themselves to solicit thirty contributions each to finance this work for one year.

The Rotary International Convention was held in Cincinnati, July 1916. Remarkable, all 176 members of Dayton Rotary and their wives boarded a train taking them to the convention. They were accompanied by a band that led them from the depot to the convention site with John H. Patterson in the lead singing the convention marching song. The club was asked to prepare an “ideal” program for the Fellowship Luncheon, and assignment shared with the Chicago Club. John H. Patterson, Henry Waite, Orville Wright and E. A. Deeds were the designated speakers with ringing results. In the ovation that followed, a widespread desire was expressed by the delegates to see the wonders of the N. C. R. plant and the bold experiment in city management. More than 1,500 Rotarians and their ladies accepted the invitation of John H. to be his guests and came to Dayton on two trains. Enough automobiles to accommodate 2,000 visitors were mustered and, after lunch and a tour at N. C. R., the guests toured Hills and Dales and viewed a polo game at N. C. R. Country club before being returned to the depot accompanied by singers and bands.

During the 1916-17 Rotary year, Doc Herman, Chairman of the Program Committee, had an unusually difficult job. In view of the high feelings, both here and in the rest of the country about the World War, Doc had some pains in excluding from programs the plague of “cranks” then rampant in the country, intent upon spreading their own pet forms of propaganda for selfish or otherwise questionable reasons.

None present at the Rotary meeting of November 7, 1918 at the Miami Hotel would ever forget the announcement, which came at lunch that the War was over. There was great cheering city-wide following this “false-alarm”. There was a subsequent thought that some enterprising brewer had “leaked” the story because Mike Devanney of the Holden Bar cashed in big again on November 11th when the real Armistice was announced. Everybody drank twice to the demise of the Kaiser.

A Rotary Civic Committee was appointed in May, 1919 to expedite the hiring of returning servicemen with John Ohmner as chairman. Elliott Pierce was appointed chairman of an Old Clothes Campaign for European sufferers. The committee, with the cooperation of the schools, collected and shipped 70 tons of clothing.

The City Club was the site of meetings for the year 1920-21. During the year out-visits were made to the new Miami Valley Hunt and Polo Club, Fred Kohnle’s new Monarch Marking Systems plant, Siebenthaler’s Nurseries, the Miami Valley Hospital and Father Polichek’s Americanization work among the Hungarians in this city. Outstanding events included the Ladies’ Night Dinner at the Old Barn Club featuring a ‘real chicken dinner”, a fine six-piece orchestra and special decorations. Other meetings of note have included Arthur Morgan’s “Plans for the New Antioch College” and an address on “Reconstruction Problems.”

World-renowned actor, Sir Harry Lauder, spoke at the Club on December 14, 1921. An inspiring speaker, he was a disciple of happiness and fellowship. He brought a message of International Peace spoken from his heart and especially poignant when it was remembered that he lost his son in the War. He gave a memorable definition of Rotary: “Rotary is the golden strand in the cable of friendship”.

Robert Patterson, Past Club President and Past Governor of the Tenth District, was elected June 8, 1922 at the 13th annual convention in Los Angeles to the Board of Directors of International Rotary.

For the year 1928-29, the regime of George Antrim, the “Walt Whitman” of Dayton Rotary, the best attendance records in the history of the Club were achieved, not for markedly outstanding programs, but for George himself who could always be depended upon to produce laughs and everybody had a good time. He will no doubt be recorded for all time as one of the most lovable characters in the history of the Club. The big meeting of the year was December 27th commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ first flight. Orville Wright was the honored guest and was presented with a beautifully worded testimonial scroll signed by every member of Dayton Rotary.

In the aftermath of the stock market crash of October, 1929, in December, 1930 Dayton Rotarians voted down the annual Christmas party in favor of a special collection of $682 which was turned over to Family Welfare.

Former Governor and Presidential Candidate, James Cox, spoke to the Club on December 29, 1932 and were only allowed to get away after exceeding by 30 minutes the normal club closing time.


In 1943, through the cooperation of the YMCA and its General Secretary, Rotarian Maurice Gogle, the Rotary Technical Institute was founded. In an eight-week period, beginning with 250 boys and equipment furnished by the “Y”, the boys were able to learn the material for a normal two-year apprenticeship program. This has come at a time when the nation needed mechanics for the war and the boys needed jobs.

As World War ll continued in 1943 it made a large impact on Rotary Service. When gas rationing was decreed, more than 100 Dayton Rotarians volunteered to process applications. In the sale of War Bonds, Rotary surpassed all other clubs, and Rotarian Ray Holton led all other savings associations in the country in the sale of bonds.

In June, 1944 the Rotary Club decided to sponsor a Boy’s Choir. Rotarian Norm Park, music teacher in the Dayton Public Schools, was appointed to serve as director. 85 boys between the ages of 10 and 18 were selected from more than 400 applicants from every section of the city.

The meeting on August 16,1945 properly recognized the end of World War ll with singing and posting of colors of the allies. A real spirit of thanksgiving was evident.

200 Boy Scouts planted a forest of 5,000 seedling trees over eleven acres of Cricket Holler, the Scout camp, on April 27,1946. This was a “Rotary Forest” in that the plants were donated by Dayton Rotary and the State Forestry Department.

The death of Orville Wright in February, 1948 elicited a poem from the pen of Rotary’s poet laureate, George Antrim:
“I would ‘twere given me to pay
A fitting tribute here today
But there’s no language I can use
No words or phrases I can choose
That higher could emblaze his name
Or stretch his everlasting fame

The first of all mankind to fly
To gage the winds and chart the sky,
The bomber, jet, the giant plane
Are children’s children of his brain

We who have known and loved him here
Shall cease to be and disappear
But Orville Wright will NEVER die
As long as man shall live and fly.”

Lou Jacobson was installed as District Governor of District #159 on July 1, 1948

Nineteen Dayton service clubs (1200 men) met at the Biltmore Hotel on November 10, 1949 to hear Senator Robert A. Taft speak on the subject, “Shall we continue the system of equality and justice, or shall we let the government bureaus do our thinking, deciding and living for us?”

Welcome Stadium was dedicated on November 24, 1949. Led by a group of citizens and chaired by Ed Kohnle as President of the Stadium corporation (who was also serving as Vice-President of Dayton Rotary) two major obstacles were overcome–to find a suitable site and come up with the necessary funds.

On May 25, 1950, club President Huston Brown suggested that each Rotarian leave a gift of money on the table to be sent to the Winnipeg Rotary Club for distribution to the people of that city who were experiencing a similar flood to Dayton’s 37 years earlier. Winnipeg Rotary had been one of the first to come to the aid of stricken Daytonians in 1913.

A crowd of almost 700 Rotarians attended Dayton Rotary on April 3, 1952 to hear Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee talk on “Civil Government.” The Senator said that government is best served by having the individuals of every community take an enlightened attitude and interest in all matters affecting government.

Ralph Damon, President of TWA and a pioneer in aviation addressed Dayton Rotary on January 29, 1953, in recognition of the golden anniversary of flight. His topic: “What Aviation Means to Dayton.”

Dayton Rotary celebrated its 40th anniversary on May 14, 1953 with Phil Lovejoy, ex-secretary of Rotary International as speaker. Outstanding Rotarians who have guided our club throughout its existence were especially honored.

While not a Rotarian, Charles F. Kettering was dearly beloved by Dayton citizens and his death on December 4, 1958 was a tremendous loss to the nation. As an inventor, his feats were unparalleled; as a scientist, his inquiring mind unlocked nature’s own secrets; as an industrialist, he created employment for thousands and as an educator, he challenged the imagination of youth. Truly, he was one of the great men of all time.

Dr. Dean Dooley, past President of the Montgomery County Medical Society, discussed at Rotary on March 19, 1959 the need for a medical school in this community. He proposed that Dayton is an ideal place for such a project and such a school should become a reality in the not-too-distant future.

Colonel Edward A. Deeds, An Honorary Dayton Rotarian, died July 11, 1960 at the age of 86. Another of the truly distinguished citizens produced by Dayton he earned this tribute: “He wrought mightily, built enduringly, lived heartily, gave generously, endeared himself widely and acted justly.” Dayton Rotary celebrated its 50th anniversary on May 18, 1962 with a banquet at the Biltmore Hotel. Special citations were presented to James R. Woodhull and William T. Hatmaker, surviving charter members of the group, which met officially on May 17, 1912. The highlight of the banquet program was an original film of the 1913 Dayton flood narrated by four Rotary members who had witnessed the actual flood.

Our own Allan L. Johnston was installed as District Governor 667, July 8, 1970.

Rotarian and Superintendent of Dayton Public Schools, Wayne Carle, gave and excellent program on October 21, 1970 and proposed an end to racial isolation; improvement in the learning environment; a sense of community; upgrading of professional service; individual instruction and adequate financial base. He thanked Rotarians for entering into partnership with the schools by providing jobs and training for young people.

President of the University of Dayton and Rotarian, Father Ray Roesch, introduced Don Donoher, coach of the U.D. Flyers at the meeting of November 23, 1970. The popular coach drew one of the largest audiences of the year. He called the arena the most significant factor in the basketball program.

The Club celebrated 60 years on February 21, 1972. Several past presidents were speakers relating the history of the Dayton Rotary Club. Bob Hughes was honored for 50 years of membership and, as final crowning touch, or three living Past District Governors, Bob Hughes, Lou Jacobson and Al Johnston were honored by a grateful Club for outstanding Rotary service by being made our first Paul Harris Fellows.

Dayton Rotarians were treated on May 21, 1973 to a tour of the new Sinclair Community college campus. The 650,000 square foot facility designed by architect Edward Durrell Stone is a most beautiful and functional addition to a growing Montgomery County.

On January 29, 1973 the Rotary Club of Dayton pledged a gift of $27,500 to the River Corridor Committee of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce. The gift was used for the implementation of the Committee’s River Walk. In accepting this major contribution, Horace Huffaman, Jr. said, “We are very pleased and deeply grateful to the Rotary Club of Dayton for they are the first businessmen’s service club to step forward in making one of our projects a reality.”

The Rotary Boy’s Choir toured Bermuda in July 1973 and it was reported that this was the finest tour the Choir has ever taken. Without the generous gift from the Dayton Rotary Club this tour would not have been possible.

Bob Richards was installed as District Governor of District 6670 on July 1, 1975.

On September 20, 1976 a gift of $75,000 was announced as being designated for the Dayton Rotary Club from the estates of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Woodhull. Mr. Woodhull was the last surviving charter member of our club. The Board of Directors, Foundation Trustees, and Co-Chairman of the Community Service Committee were charged with determining the best use for this inheritance.

President Lyle Shafer announced on October 18, 1976 that a Rotary Yearbook to record 65 years of Dayton Rotary Club history would be published with a target date of November 1, 1977. (The Yearbook was later named, “The Spectrum.”)

November 22, 1976, President Lyle led the membership from the Biltmore Hotel to the new N.C.R. World Headquarters facility near Old River Park. There were greetings from William Anderson, Chairman and Charles Exley, President. A handsome five story building, it marks the “shrinkage” of the N.C.R. manufacturing tradition in Dayton, the decentralization of factories to other parts of this country and the world.

On May 23, 1977 Dayton Rotary celebrated its 65th anniversary with a special meeting attracting approximately 400 Rotarians, city and county officials, representatives from other service clubs and representatives from military, commercial and professional interests. The featured speaker was Dr. Charles Jarvis, noted humorist and widely acclaimed orator from San Marcos, Texas. Mayor James H. McGee, by official proclamation, designated the day as Dayton Rotary Club Day.

The 1980's

Beginning July, 1980

Irv Bieser, Jr. a former Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa, brought “A New Look at West Africa” to the Club on July 28, 1980. Twenty years ago ten West African nations gained independence and Irv took us through some of the problems and prospects, as well as its continuing attraction for the traveler.

The August 4, 1980 meeting brought Johannes Pienaar; Midwest Director of the South Africa Foundation to explore the role of South Africa’s influence today in the strategic economic and political battles between East and West. He also reported on the dramatic internal changes that are taking place in a society that has many different cultures and tribal peoples.

A new Rotary Club of Oakwood, sponsored by Dayton Rotary held its organizational meeting on Friday, August 8, 1980 at 7:00 A.M. at the Patterson Restaurant, 2100 Patterson Blvd. The Club had the opportunity on August 11, 1980 to preview an outstanding film chronicling the life and achievements of Charles F. “Boss” Kettering (1876-1958).

Dr. John R. Beljan, Dean of the School of Medicine, Wright State University, on August 25, 1980 provided the Club with an update on the University’s medical education. The network of WSU’s education program consists of twenty-one local hospitals where many of the education departments are actually located in area hospitals. Brother Raymond L. Fitz, the new President of the University of Dayton was introduced to the Club on September 22, 1980 by the retiring President, Fr. Ray Roesch. Looking to the decade of the 80’s Brother Fitz is optimistic because the University has three major strengths: (1) A faculty and staff adaptable to shifting demands; (2) Financial aid from the Federal level; (3) Willingness to sacrifice which he feels is the University’s greatest asset.

On October 9, 1980, Vic Cassano, Dayton Rotarian, was presented with the Presidents’ Club “Legion of Honor” at a luncheon at Stouffers.

November 10, 1980 brought sixteen-year basketball coach, Don Donoher, of the University of Dayton to our podium to preview the Flyers’ 1980-1981 season. Coach Donoher’s record shows UD participating in ten post-season tournaments with over 280 wins and only two losing seasons.

Dayton Rotarian, Will Cappel, celebrated his 101st birthday on November 12, 1980.

Rabbi Tovia ben-Chorin brought the Club his message of “The Uniqueness of Israel and Its Defense Forces” on November 24, 1980 The Rabbi bears the primary responsibility for training future lay and rabbinical leadership for the Israel movement. His commitment to the cause of Jews in Israel is reflected in his spiritual involvement, but also on the battlefield as well where he has served his country as a tank commander in three wars.

Dayton Rotarian, William S. Anderson, Chairman and CEO of NCR Corp. gave the Club insights from his many years of experience in the realm of US-Japanese economic relations on December 8, 1980. In a little over 30 years Japan has become our greatest world competitor.

Beginning Dec. 22, 1980

The Rotary Foundation FundRaiser conducted by Clubhouse 39 on December 22, 1980 succeeded in putting a total of $4399 into the Foundation Fund. Charlie Harbottle was the chief announcer.

The meeting of February 2, 1981 was charmed by the great sports program presented by Dayton’s own Si Burick, Sports Editor of the Dayton Daily News. With a career spanning over fifty years, Si has witnessed and reported on many of the greatest sporting events of this century.

Rotarian Jack Wymer has been the “Man of the Street” for WING radio for forty-four years and on February 9, 1981, President Bill McCormick paid tribute to this outstanding newsman and for his presenting the Club with news of the day for the past twenty-five years.

April 13, 1981’s meeting was turned over to Rotarian Fr. Ray Roesch who reported on the extensive and exhausting excavation done under St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome to try to find and identify the tomb of St. Peter, Prince of Apostles.

Glenn Thompson, former editor of the Journal-Herald from 1959-1968, and founder and past president of the Little Miami, Inc., an association formed to preserve the river as a natural stream, brought the Club, on May 4, 1981, his story of the political moves necessary to get the Little Miami River incorporated into the “Wild Rivers Bill.”

Mr. Tom Ferguson, President of the Dayton Development Council, which holds the responsibility for attracting new business into the Dayton area, addressed the Club on June 1, 1981. Organized in 1971, the Council has succeeded in bringing 60 firms into this area with over $160 million of capital investment.

At the June 15, 1981 meeting, Rotarian Bob DeMarse presented a tribute to the Bieser family for its contributions over the past 150 years covering three generations of service to the Dayton Rotary Club. Present family members of the Club are Irving, Sr.; Horace (Hop); and Irving, Jr.

Bob Barr introduced Mr. Gerry LeTourneau, President of Airstream, Inc. to the meeting of August 16, 1982 and following his presentation on his company, he graciously donated an Airstream trailer to Channel 14-16’s October auction; bids to start at $15,000.

In 1981 the Dayton Rotary Foundation donated $ 13,400 for a chain link fence to safeguard the Dayton Museum of Natural History’s archeological dig on River Road. Thus, the Museum’s Board of Trustees invited our Club members to join a special open house presentation on the site August 18, 1982.

The speaker for the Club meeting of September 20, 1982 was Charles W. Whalen, former State representative and senator as well as a 12-year member of our nation’s Congress, who reported on his recent trip to Africa, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore.

On October 18, 1982 the Club was treated to a tour of the Moraine GM Truck Assembly Plant which contains the latest in technology, particularly the extensive use of robots.

The Dayton Area Independent Business Council joined Dayton Rotary on November 1, 1982 to hear a thoughtful presentation by Dr. Michael Levy, Director of the Conference Board who spoke on the subject “The Economy and Economic Policy at and after the elections.

The four-year President of the Cincinnati Reds, Richard Wagner, held the interest of the Club’s membership with his frank and entertaining presentation at the meeting of November 8,1982. He commented on the substantial changes which have taken place in the game including astronomical increases in salary levels, Astro Turf, unions, expansions, etc.

The fundraiser conducted by Clubhouse 39 at the meeting of December 6, 1982 yielded $5590.

Major General William E. Thunnan, Deputy Commander of the B 1 -B bomber project headquartered at Wright Patterson AFB, brought an update of the program to the meeting of January 17, 1983. In the content of his speech he dispelled a few myths surrounding the B 1-B which were reassuring to the membership.

The meeting of March 21, 1983 brought James M. Dawson, retired Chief Economist of National City Bank, to the podium. He gave the Club a very informative talk on the history of recessions and recoveries in this country and his beliefs that we are presently on the path to a sustained recovery through 1990.

The Kiwanians joined Dayton Rotary on April 25, 1983 to hear Dr. Jerrold S. Petrofsky, a Professor on the Wright State Medical School Faculty. Dr. Petrofsky is also Chairman of WSU’s Biomedics Lab and that responsibility consumed the major part of his talk and demonstrations because of the marvelous work he has developed with mechanically induced exercises to allow significant rebuilding of body tissue and muscle.

The April 25, 1983 meeting was highlighted by the induction of Si Burick, eminent Sports Editor of the Dayton Daily News, as an honorary member of our Club.

General James P. Mullins, Commander of the Air Force Logistics Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, addressed a joint meeting of our Club and the Dayton Council on World Affairs. He directs a $40 billion dollar business that is global in scope. The four-star general was uniquely qualified to speak on the challenges to be faced in the years ahead, especially as related to the arms race with the Soviets.

June 27, 1983 was the official “Changing of the Guard” with the gavel passing to incoming President William Lambert.

But on July 11, 1983 the “Imperial Court” arrived in force with his majesty, Bill, attended by his Sir Knights, all academically gowned, and properly titled as follows: Sir Pat Strasser as “Minister of fines, levies, cruel & unusual punishment;” Sir William Butt as “Minister of merriment & laughter;” Sirs Ed Martin & George Wisler as “Ministers of the fluttering shutter;” Sir Bob Schaeffer as “Minister of husbandry, pork bellies & hog fat;” Sir Charlie Harbottle as “Minister of historiography & biography;” and Sir Rusty Marshall as “Poet Laureate & Minister of matters Iyrical.”

The Honorable Walter Rice, U. S. District Court Judge was the speaker for the July 11th meeting and centered his remarks on the trend of tightening federal judgeship that has been developing as a result of Supreme Court action over the last five years. He noted that this is a changing trend from the activist Supreme Court from twenty-five years ago.

Mike Kelly, University of Dayton Football Coach, regaled the Club on August 8, 1983 with highlighting some spectacular moments of the previous season and summarized the upcoming schedule pointing toward yet another Stagg Bowl to be played at King’s Island on December 1st.

The meeting of August 8, 1983 opened at the Convention Center with President Bill driving a vintage Lambert auto filled with pretty girls and our guest for the day, Rob Lowe. The latter was the attraction for many mothers and daughters to be in attendance and hear how this charming young man advanced his career from Oakwood to Hollywood giving much credit to live theater at the Dayton Playhouse. When asked about his future plans, he expressed the belief that he must avoid over exposure in order to establish a long-lasting career; and that he definitely would not star in a TV series.

The Inaugural/Recall Ball on August 27, 1983 began at the Lambert home on Rubicon Road with refreshments and photo opportunities in the Lambert auto. Then, led by a 20-piece marching band and an Oakwood Fire Department truck the guests trudged to the home of the Redmans’ also on Rubicon Road, there to feast and enjoy a stage show with a full orchestra.

The Dayton Rotary Club made a substantial contribution toward the completion of the Riverwalk Extension and in recognition all members and their families were invited to join in the dedication of a one mile section on Saturday, September 3, 1983 at I:00 P.M.

At a combined meeting with the Dayton Council on World Affairs at the Convention Center on September 14, 1983 and thanks to our most competent program chairman, John Henry who is a summer neighbor of our speaker, Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense of the United States was brought to the podium. His emphasis was on the Russian threat whose military strength has now reached our own and must be defended against. At the same time we have a global responsibility to the NATO countries, the oil fields of the Middle East? Japan and Korea as well as our own Western Hemisphere; all requiring huge sums of taxpayer dollars.

Our speaker for September 19, 1983 was the exceptional Si Burick, Sports Editor of the Dayton Daily News for many decades. He regaled the Club with many stories containing humor and nostalgia and bringing to life many of the sports figures of the past. He expressed his feelings of what it meant to be included among the greats of baseball on August 1 st when he was inducted into the Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame.

John Haddick chaired the committee, which established the “Adopt-a-Classroom” program involving Rotarians working with schoolteachers to explain and promote our free enterprise system.

November 12, 1983 marked the 104th birthday of long time Rotarian, Will Cappel, who unfortunately was unable to be with the Club for this exceptional celebration.

University of Dayton Basketball Coach, Don Donaher was the speaker for the meeting of November 7, 1983. UD is entering its 79th year of basketball with only eleven wins away from 1000. Don is slated to assist Bobby Knight of Indiana who has been selected as the U.S. Olympic Coach.

Pulitzer Prize winner, Mike Peters, political cartoonist for the Dayton Daily News brought good fun and a delightful presentation to the Club meeting of November 28, 1983. He stated that the aim of a political cartoonist is to get a physical reaction from people — laughter, anger or something that says his drawings are making a difference.

Fred Wall, Chairman of the Rotary Youth Committee described a new program which will bring one student and one teacher each week from the area’s five major high schools.

The annual Dayton Rotary Foundation Fund Raiser held on December 5, 1983 yielded $5,900, all of which will be applied to community grant awards.

The Dayton Rotary Boys Choir entertained members and guests with a traditional Yuletide songfest on December 19, 1983. The Choir is now in its 40th year under Dayton Rotary sponsorship and is under the direction of John Heisey.

The “Great Gatsby, Chicago St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, February 12, 1984, in the former street-car barn (now known as Frank Z’s Chevrolet Agency) was a literal blast as previewed at the December l9th meeting with a lineup of President Bill and his Ministers facing the wall and being “gunned” down by “Big” Bob Hanna and “Bad” Bill Gray. Gaming, music and a floorshow preceded the arrest by a Dayton Police Squad of the President and his subsequent return in appropriate prison clothing.

Burnell Roberts, Chairman of the Board of Mead Corporation addressed the Club on February 20, 1984 on the subject of ”Mead and the Forest Products Industry.” Mead’s roots have been in Dayton since its founding in 1846, but today only ten percent of its 20,000 employees are located here. Mead is the leader in the production of coated paper and is the fifth largest manufacturer of white paper in the United States. It is also receiving international recognition in the data processing field through its Lexis-Nexis services.

Charles E. Glover, President of Cox Enterprises; Inc. which owns the Dayton Daily News as well as other papers in Georgia, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Colorado, spoke to the Club on February 27, 1984. He recounted some of the history of Cox Enterprises and then stated that the purpose of a newspaper is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Also that the purpose of the newspaper is to report the news and to interpret it — welcoming comments and criticism from readers.

The Club paid a visit to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on March 19, 1984 as guests of General James Mullin, Commander of the Air Force Logistics Command. His command accounts for 36% of the budget for the Air Force and employs 90,000 people worldwide. It is the objective of the Air Force to be a deterrent force and with the increasing Soviet investment in weapons systems, this objective continues to be of greater significance. AFLC supports not only the U. S. Air Force but sixty-three friendly nations as well.

A joint meeting with the Downtown Kiwanis Club on May 1, 1984 added to our knowledge of the Air Force in the presence of Lt. General Thomas McMullen, a native Daytonian and Commander of the Aeronautical Systems Division at Wright-Patterson AFB. After alerting the Club to the present state of Russian military he went on to outline some of the work that is going on at Aeronautical Systems Division — the research of alternate sources of fuel for tomorrow’s aircraft, finding new materials to produce super-strong airplanes capable of self-repair, etc.

The Club shared the meeting of May 21, 1984 with the Dayton Council on World Affairs due to the presence of the Honorable Paul Warnke, former as chief U. S. Arms Negotiator at the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (S.A.L.T.). His presentation concerned “Super Power Relations and the Current Arms Control impasse.”

At the meeting of June 4, 1984 Chester E. Finn, Jr. Ph.D and Professor of education at Vanderbilt University, spoke on the push for change in America’s educational system — a push that is the largest in the last twenty years. Previous calls have originated with the educational establishment; this one is being initiated by elected officials, predominantly governors and business leaders. Businessmen are find that often high school graduates, and occasionally even college graduates, are functionally illiterate.

Bob French, Chairman of the Dayton Rotary Foundation reported to the membership on June 18, 1984 some of the significant community projects our Club has supported this past Rotary year to a total of $38,000.

The third major social event of the year took place on June 30, 1984 at the Air Force Museum with all of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base top officers and their wives as guests of the Club. Cocktails in hand, members wandered through outstanding exhibits before sitting down to dinner surrounded by many types of aircraft. It was a wonderful opportunity to close out another Rotary year and express our thanks and appreciation to the men who run WPAFB.

Beginning July 2, 1984

President Bob Chelle began his year on July 2nd with a visit from Congressman Tony Hall then serving his third term representing Ohio’s Third District. Tony is a member of the Rules Committee and the ranking majority member of the Hunger Committee. He had recently returned from El Salvador and Nicaragua where he, with other Congressmen noted the poor quality of lining conditions prompting them to begin a program of private donations on nonperishable items.

August 17, 1984 was “State of the County Day” and the program was presented by Commissioners Charles Curran, Charles Horn, and Paula McIlwaine. Vast improvements have been made in welfare programs and waste disposal. The County is in excellent financial condition with no long-term debt. Health care cost containment is a major 1984 objective.

William Howard, President and CEO of Piedmont Airlines returned as speaker on August 27th to inform the Club as to how the carrier has met and surpassed its long-range plan. Departures have increased from 28 to 50, new flights will be added in November to San Francisco and Denver. Piedmont provides jobs for 323 employees in Dayton resulting in a $4,500,000 payroll. A new reservation center in Dayton will create an additional employment of 210 people.

A joint meeting of our Club with the Dayton Council on world Affairs and the American Defense Preparedness Association at the Convention Center on October 22nd brought the Honorable Jean J. Kirkpatrick United States Ambassador to the United Nations to the speakers’ stand. She stated that we have come to the end of an era as far as economic policy and national defense. The Reagan administrative policies have been successful because of new ways of dealing with inflation – tax cuts and deregulation free market economics, resulting in lower interest rates and lower unemployment. Rebuilding our defenses has made our world situation safer.

Rotarians Bob Keggereis and David Ponitz related the ten-year history of the Miami Valley Research Park at the Club meeting of November 26, 1984. Wright State University, Sinclair College and the University of Dayton have led the way to the creation of the Park using the model of the Research Triangle in North Carolina as a model. The donation of 1200 acres on the east edge of Montgomery County to the Universities provided the impetus for the establishment of a non-profit corporation.

A gala holiday party was the occasion for a super social event at the Dayton Art Institute on December 7th. Participants not only enjoyed a fine repast, but also were able to tour the DAI’s special exhibition of Chinese gold and silver from the Tang Dynasty.

The success of the December 10, 1984 sweepstakes was demonstrated by the $6,455 reported at the following meeting of the Club.

Mayor Paul Leonard chose the Dayton Rotary Club to deliver his “State-of-the-City” address on January 14, 1985. In this break from tradition he reviewed the city’s progress in 1984 and the planning for 1985, including initiatives in support of neighborhoods, partnership with business; and recapturing the renaissance started fifteen years age.

General Earl I. O’Loughlin of the Air Force Logistics Command was our speaker for February 4, 1985. His command managed $52 billion in fiscal 1984 that he expects to grow to $58 billion in 1985. He discussed the changes in the support weapons systems as well as the updating of the data processing systems tying all of the Command systems together. The network now provides the AFLIC with an immediate indication of shortages in the system.

Jerry Robbins, Regional Manager of General Motors Public Relations at the meeting of March 4, 1985, related the big changes taking place in the auto industry. One major exciting new development will be the Saturn project as an entirely new division – the first in over 60 years. The cars are designed to be prices competitively on the world market and will be more technologically advanced than anything that the Japanese now have on the road or on the drawing board. GM had an excellent fiscal year in 1984 and is predicting another fine year.

Our fellow Rotarian, Dr. William E Rogers, brought a fascinating program to the Club on March 25, 1985 as a specialist in nuclear medicine. The latest development in medical imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) relies on extremely high-powered magnetic fields to develop an image as opposed to ionizing radiation as it is used in x-rays, CAT scans and nuclear medicine imaging. One of the drawbacks of the new equipment is its cost – two to three million dollars for the equipment and construction. Full utilization would reduce the cost to patients as much as 25% lower than present procedures.

April 22, 1985 brought Mark Erbaugh to the meeting to tell the Club about his experiences living for four years in the southern part of the African continent as a Peace Corps volunteers. Mark is the son of Rotarian Jim Erbaugh and was introduces by his cousin, Bill Martin. The three goals established under President John F. Kennedy are (1) to provide technical assistance to developing nations; (2) to help Americans better understand about third world cultures, and (3) to promote understanding of third world countries about America. Ninety-five countries have been served during the past 24 years of the Corps’ existence.

The Dayton Daily News and the Journal Herald were featured at the April 29th program when the editor of both papers, Brad Tillson, discussed “Changing news in a changing society” The newspaper industry is at a post-war high with 67% of all American adults reading the daily paper. The Dayton newspaper organization is Dayton’s tenth largest employer with 775 full-time people and 200 to 300 part-time employees.

The Rotary Boys’ Choir presented its annual spring concert at the Victory Theatre on May 11th featuring music by Stephen Foster and Johan Sebastian Bach. This concert was especially poignant since the Club administration is the process of evaluating whether or not to continue the Club’s support of this activity.

Dick Flitcraft retired President of Monsanto Mound Laboratories, brought and informative message to the May 13, 1985 meeting concerning the rapid development of technology in the Miami Valley. 190 firms with 4,000 workers are involved with research and development, 60 involved in electronics and 100 in software. The Miami Valley is renowned for its human resources in high quality productivity.

The last meeting of this Rotary year, June 24,1985, was given a good send-off with the presence of Dr. Kenneth Skoug, Director of the Office of Cuban affairs in the State department. His is an excellent vantage point from which to observe the relations of our country with Cuba. His address covered well political and economic issues as well as our communications and consular affairs.

The Club’s gratitude for an excellent year was served up at “Chelle’s Last Roundup” at Carriage Hill Farm on June 22nd.

Duffy Johnston had not long been in office as president when the Club heard the tragic news of the deaths of Rotarian Dr. Robert Craig and his wife Helen who were brutally murdered in their home. Dr. Don Sando, a long time partner and friend delivered a most fitting eulogy on July 15, 1985.

On the same day, Linda Mercuri, Womanline’s Director, brought the Club up-to-date on the expanded role of today’ s agency that has moved from pregnancy counseling to a broader spectrum adding assistance to couples and families. All of this agency’s work is funded strictly by community support.

Mark Henry, Dayton City Commissioner, on July 29, 1985, recounted his and 100 other Daytonians experiences in attending the ceremonies of our sister city of Augsburg, Germany, which celebrated its 2000-year anniversary. Rotarian Lou Wozar was especially recognized for his work in establishing sister city relationships when he was the national president of the Sister City program.

August 5, 1985 brought Suzy Bassani as speaker to recount the founding of the Muse Machine in -1982 with an objective of involving young people from area schools in the arts. Last year, 44,000 students from five counties attended in-school programs and 4,000 more were members for the out-of-school activities.

Harry Imboden and Frank Gilland teamed up on August 19, 1985 to present their experiences and vision for a more vital city core. Harry is retiring and Frank is assuming leadership of the Downtown Dayton Association. The two “special” sales days each year produce more results than the Christmas sales.

The Rotary Club of Dayton and the Dayton Council on World Affairs joined together at the Convention Center on September 24, 1985 to hear Edwin H. Newman, former NBC president and author of the bestseller, Strictly Speaking. He was the first journalist ever granted an interview by the Emperor of Japan. He moderated several presidential campaign debates including the first one in 1976 between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

On September 30, 1985 Ambassador Thomas J. Watson, Jr. returned to the city of his birth and in an appearance before the Club and the Dayton Council on World Affairs. He recounted his experiences while serving in the USSR Our present tense international situation gives rise to a propensity toward war and nuclear terror. He believes the one way out is to negotiate verifiable treaties.

The October 21, 1985 meeting brought attention to the Montgomery County’s 12th largest private sector employer, the University of Dayton and its Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Jesse Philips. The latter shared his exciting vision of the future for Ohio’s largest independent university which is now engaged in an unprecedented $38 million campaign for endowment and capital building.

Dr. Alan Guskin became Antioch University’s 17th president in August and on November 18, 1985 he brought his priorities in a speech to our Club. He had previously served for ten years as Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Kenosha. Among those stated priorities is the strengthening of Antioch College as the heart of the University, re-establishment of close ties with the Dayton community assisted by returning the offices from New York to Yellow Springs.

Jerry Sharkey and Bill Ford, President and Vice-President respectively of the Aviation Trail presented the program on December 9, 1985. We were advised that the Trail has 45 locations in Dayton and the Miami Valley. The Wright Brothers’ contribution to the world is considered by some to be the most magnificent in the history of mankind. Yet they have received minimal accolades.

Polioplus 2005 program was updated on February 10, 1986 by Neil Hazel, District 667’s Chairman, a target of raising $120 million in three years has been set. The funds are slated for undeveloped countries for national days of immunization. A cost of 12¢ per immunization is projected, but the biggest contribution comes from the Rotarian volunteers. Dayton Rotary Foundation has donated a matching grant of $3500 to stimulate membership participation.

Also on February 10’th Dr. Jerry Hoerner was recognized for 57 years of perfect attendance. As a sidelight it was observed that being an obstetrician, Jerry had a “hand” in bringing many of our present members into this world.

The “State of the County” was ably presented to the Club on February 24, 1986 by all three Commissioners. Paula MacIlwaine recounted the accomplishments for 1985; Donna Moon showed how the County was meeting the challenges with good fiscal stability; and Charles Curran related the promise of present and future challenges. All-in-all an excellent report which showed the County to be on the cutting edge of the future with capable elected and employed personnel working together for success.

The meeting of March 3, 1986 brought Dudley Webb; a national partner in the Webb Companies headquartered in Lexington, KY. To relate the reasons why Dayton was chosen for the growth potential their company felt was available in the Dayton marketing area. They consider the Arcade Centre a magnificent landmark and a good investment opportunity. They plan to have the project ready by the early part of 1988.

County Commissioner Paula MacIlwaine returned to the podium on March 24, 1986 to speak of the changes needed in public welfare. Paula has long been recognized at state and national levels as a proponent of reform in public assistance. Supported by informative statistics, Paula presents an alarming picture of the County’s ever-growing welfare budget, now standing in excess of $206 million representing a new high of 13% of our population. She urged us as taxpayers and influential community leaders to bring pressure to bear on responsible state officials to consider the reform proposals presented.

The St. Lawrence Seaway & the Midwest Economy was the subject presented by David L. Laveck, Eastern Regional Director of the Seaway, at the meeting of March 31, 1986. Through the region flows one of the world’s greatest deep draft waterways with its upstream locks and the broad mid-continent waters of the Great Lakes serving more than 150 ports. 60% of all of the fresh water in the world is located not many miles to Dayton’s north.

The meeting of April 14, 1986 was addressed by William B. Coulter, Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents and thus is the chief administrator of the state’s planning and coordinating board for higher education. Ohio’s system is one of the largest in the nation, serving nearly 500,000 students on 66 public campuses. Dr. Coulter left no doubt that the heart of Ohio’s future in attracting new technologies and businesses of tomorrow rests in higher education.

Dayton’s own Joyce Young brought some provocative questions concerning governmental entitlement programs to the April 28, 1986 meeting. Social Security provides by far the most important source of retirement income for Americans; but by the year 2000, the number of people reaching age 65 will be greater than the number of new workers entering the labor force. Forty-five percent of the nation’s budget is devoted to transfer payments such as Social Security, Medicare, ADC, etc. A plurality of the members of the National Issues Forum, represented by Mrs. Young agrees that the Social Security rules are going to have to change.

The meeting of May 12, 1986 welcomed the members of the American Defense Preparedness Association who were with us to listen to Mr. A. Dennis Clift, Deputy Director for External Relations at the Defense Intelligence Agency. The subject of his talk was “the Soviet Military Threat.” He gave many examples of how the Soviets are not only increasing their offensive weapons systems, but their defensive systems as well. Early warning radar and missile tracking satellites are very advanced. They are pursuing their own space shuttle program to service a permanent space station.

The “Summer Send-off Party” to thank President Duffy for his stellar year at the helm of our Rotary Club, was held on May 23, 1986 at the Miami Valley Hunt and Polo Club.

The new Superintendent of Dayton Public Schools, Dr. Franklin Smith, was introduced to the club by Board Chairman; Bob French on June 9, 1986. Dr. Smith feels that schools can have excellence and equality at the same time, citing Edison elementary, which recently received national recognition for its academic program. To achieve such excellence in Dayton’s other schools; Dr. Smith is proposing (1) a change in the district involving curriculum revision, (2) more parental involvement and (3) community support through the Adopt-a-Classroom program involving volunteers.

Diconix, a Kodak company, formerly the Digital Systems Division of Mead Corporation was the subject of the June 16, 1986 meeting. David Lehman told about his company’s high-speed ink jet printing equipment for direct mail, computer and other applications. The firm is the first tenant in the new Miami Valley Research Park. Aided by the latest in computers, a new page in printing technology is now available to deliver impressions at speeds up to 48,000 pages of custom printing per hour.

June 30, 1986, the last meeting of this Rotary year ended with an upbeat message about new construction underway in downtown Dayton – our first new theater in 50 years. Larry Thomas, is co-owner of the Movies Repertory Cinema, which has thrived in downtown Cincinnati for five, and a half years. The new Dayton-movie house will screen foreign, classic, contemporary and unusual films in a unique repertory pattern.

July 7, 1986 brought a rather shocking surprise to the Club with President Nick Harris announcing his resignation for personal reasons and that President-Elect John Henry would assume the duties of presiding officer within two weeks At the July 14, 1986 meeting President Nick mysteriously rescinded his resignation and accepted the President’s pin from Past President, Duffy Johnston.

The President of Wright State University, Dr. Paige Mulhollan, addressed the Club on July 21, 1986 explaining the importance of the “Urban University.” Wright State falls under a new emerging model whose mission is to serve the community through involvement and development. The urban university does not threaten anyone, but allows all people to win.

The meeting announcement for July 28th was the first use of a pink “Smile to indicate to members that the meeting location will be somewhere else than Stouffers.

It was during the week of July 21, 1986 that our oldest member, Will Cappel, died at the age of 106 years and 7 months Blitz Creager delivered the memorial for Will at the meeting of July 28th.

President Ronald Reagan’s “Strategic Defense Initiative” or (“Star Wars”) was ably presented by Colonel Joseph Rougeau, Director of Educational and Civil Applications on July 28, 1986. Colonel Joe emphasized that we should start to consider offensive weapons to create a balance of power and thus maintain a national policy of strength, not in the past, which stressed weakness.

A joint meeting on August 12, 1986 with the Dayton Council on World Affairs and the Down town Kiwanis listened to German Minister Hans T. Wallau discuss the East/West relationship of Germany expressing the view that the new Soviet leadership will bring improved relations between East and West This will involve an exchange in security, economics and culture In Germany there are 56 million free Germans and 17 million under Soviet control.

The Governor of Ohio, James A. Rhodes, paid a visit on September 29, 1986 and reviewed the current state of affairs in Ohio as well as discussing what could be done to assure a healthy and prosperous future.

October 6, 1986 was an opportunity for member Brock Anderson to give the Club a complete rundown on the Dayton Art Institute’s annual Octoberfest, which began in 1971 when it raised $9,450 with an attendance of 7,000. This year it is expected to raise at least $150,000 with a possible 35,000 attending. It requires over 2,200 volunteers and a lot of support from Dayton businesses.

Colonel James Balint, command chaplain of the Air Force Logistics Command, related his experiences on December 1, 1986, as a military chaplain in a plurist world. Although there is a free exercise of religion in the armed forces, Colonel Balint laments the fact that there are no representatives of the Eastern religions (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.).

The annual Dayton Rotary Foundation fundraiser on December 8, 1986 yielded $5,408

Charles Exley, Chairman of the Board and President of the NCR Corporation, on January 5, 1986 gave a very comprehensive view of trends in information processing. He cited the future for his industry is endless with new innovations coming on line daily NCR currently employs 5300 people and has no plans to merge or move from the community.

James McDonald, President and COO of General Motors Corp. visited on January 26, 1987 and raised the question “Can America Compete?” Although America has led the world in leadership, this has now changed significantly because of the 35% cost advantage of foreign competitors Mr. McDonald is convinced we can with the development of new technology, new plants and new labor attitudes. To assist in the turn around, General Motors has made a capital investment in facilities and equipment of 41 billion dollars within the last six years

The “Excellence in Teaching Awards” was initiated this year as a community project co-sponsored by Dayton Newspapers, the Dayton Power & Light Co., & the Dayton Rotary Club and coordinated by the Dayton-Montgomery County Public Education Fund. At the Club meeting of March 2, 1987, chaired by Duffy Johnston, ten outstanding teachers of the area were recognized for exceptional teaching and each was awarded $ I ,000.

David Ben-Dov, Consul-General of Israel, discussed the “Quest for Peace in the Middle East” at our meeting of March 16, 1987. His country has effected an alliance with Egypt and is now seeking one with Jordan. As Mr. Ben-Dov pointed out, the common people of this area want to develop better living conditions, medical support, free speech, etc., but that the governments are playing a role in pushing for more war and violence.

Sinclair College is celebrating 100 years of service to our community and at the meeting of April 6, 1987, its President and Rotarian David Ponitz brought the background (founded in 1966) and its growth to 17,000 students participating in an expanding range of programs to meet the changing needs of both employers and employees Dr. Ponitz has presided over the last twelve years of Sinclair’s rapid growth.

Jack Simpson, President of Mead Data Central (Lexis/Nexis) presented the program on May 4, 1987. In fifteen years of existence this unit of Mead has become the world’s largest legal, news and business electronic information service. The amount of information stored by them is equivalent to a stack of paper three and three-quarters miles high and yet a precise piece of information can be located in less than 20 seconds.

The Presidential Gala to recognize the administration of Club President Nick Harris was held at the Moraine Country Club on May 29, 987 with 230 in attendance.

George Melloan, Deputy Editor of the Wall Street Journal, spoke to the Club on June 8, 1987 on “A Worldwide View for the Year 2000 “. Admitting that 20 years ago the same prognostication some areas were overestimated, such as the use of nuclear power, and some were vastly under estimated such as the use of computers. He was quick to point out that we should not fear the economic growth of other countries with such growth and development our country is in a better position to benefit. Yet it appears that the American congress is pushing protectionism and isolationism.

John 0. Henry assumed the Club presidency on July 6, 1987 and laid out his goals for the year, which included increasing attendance, and, with Board approval, beginning the system of prepaying lunches along with membership dues. Jack Wymer was duly honored as the Dean of Dayton radio. Alex Williams acknowledged the debt he owed to Jack as his mentor learning the ropes of broadcasting. He also shared videotape narrated by Rotarian Bill Nance that had been produced to honor and recognizes Jack for his contributions to Dayton as well as to the profession of broadcasting.

Bob Barr introduced Ritter Collet as our speaker on July 13, 1987 and the Club was regaled with wonderful stories occurring during Ritter’s 40 years plus with Dayton Newspapers. Recognizing that football and basketball activities support and finance all the rest of college sports, Ritter suggested that greater emphasis needs to be placed on education much earlier than it now is if athletes are going to realize their full potential.

Congressman Bob McEwen paid the Club a visit on August 3, 1987 and relayed his view of the Washington scene. Bob was first elected in 1980 and has received many awards since assuming his duties in Congress. The reduction of taxes in the 70’s created recapitalization of industry and the increasing of jobs, which reversed the false premise of the 60’s of “taxing ourselves to prosperity “ Bob’s expanded view of the events taking place in the world caused him to predict that the United States is on the greatest threshold of prosperity ever experienced by this Country.

Wendy McCormick (daughter of Rotarian Bill McCormick and his wife, Judy) addressed the Club on August 31, 1987 giving us a first-hand view of Nicaragua where she spent two months participating in a language and culture school. The Sandanistas have tried to improve health care with vaccinations and health education, but are hampered by having to spend 50% other budget on defense against the Contras who are supported by the United States. Some 16,000 civilians have been killed and the people are tired, but have a unity and commitment to their country. Wendy is presently studying for the ordained ministry of the Presbyterian Church.

On September 14, 1987, four-star General Alfred B. Hansen, commander of the Air Force Logistics Command became our newest Honorary Member and our speaker for the day. The General is responsible for over 100,000 people and manages a budget of $48 billion. He reported that the United States Air Force is experiencing effusive exuberance in 1987. A radical change since the late 1960’s has occurred in the attitude and morale of the troops due to the increased military funding and the publics renewed respect for members of the armed services.

Clubhouse 39 met September 17, 1987 for its annual dinner at the Moraine Country Club under the sponsorship of Bart Brooks and Jim Rich. Al Johnston was chairman for the event and called on Frank Hoernemann and Bob Barr for remembrances of their presidential years. Six members were recognized for 50 years or more of membership; Jerry Hoerner, 58 years, Bart Brooks, 55 years, Art Sargent and Jack Taylor, 52 years, and Dick Swartsel and Gerry Grout, 50 years.

Rotarian Paige Mulhollan, President of Wright State University, on September 28,1987, described the background and plans for the Ervin J. Nutter Center. This will be a new activity facility, which will make a major impact on the entire community and is scheduled to open in 1989.

The coal industry was the subject for the meeting of October 19, 1987 presented by John Katlic, Senior Vice-President of the American Electric Power Service. Mr. Katlic stated that the coal picture in Ohio is outstanding where there is plenty of power, basically coal fired. Ohio is meeting the “Clean Air Act” with total emissions down 40%.

November 2, 1987 placed a significant milestone in the history of the Rotary Club of Dayton when Irvin Bieser presented a change to our constitution and by-laws for approval, which effectively made the Club “gender neutral.” This was done in accordance with a United States Supreme Court decision ruling in favor of a Duarte, California Rotary Club, which had previously admitted women to their membership. Upon approval by our members of the change, Bob DeMarse introduced Mrs. Virginia Kettering as an Honorary Rotarian. Interestingly, Mrs. Kettering’s father was a founding member of this Club and both her husband and her father-in law were Dayton Rotarians. Duffy Johnston and his wife, Sandy, presented Mrs. Kettering with a Paul Harris Fellowship.

Ralph Underhill, basketball coach at Wright State University on November 16, 1987 discussed his twenty-three year coaching career that includes the last nine years as head coach at WSU which is now preparing to enter Division I basketball. During Mr. Underhill’s career he has won 209 games and lost 53. In the last four years, 92% of his players have graduated.

Six women were introduced to active membership on November 23, 1987. Carol Della Pia, Goodwill Industries; Margaret Karns, Director of the Center for International Studies at the University of Dayton; Elenore Koch, Vice-President for student affairs at Wright State University; Nora Lake, Executive Director of the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission; Carrie Labriola, Director of the Dayton Region of the National Conference of Christians and Jews; and Jacquelyn Sims, Director of the Wegerzyn Garden Center.

At the January 18, 1988 meeting, Charles Harbottle shared a memorial with the Club for Dr. Jerry Hoerner who was a noted physician with a record for delivering 4,320 babies in our community, at the same time following the path of Rotary by achieving a record of over 58 years of perfect attendance.

Burnell Roberts, Chairman and CEO of the Mead Corporation addressed our meeting of February 1,1988 noting their expansion into the very capital intensive business of integrated forest products as well as the less capital intensive school and office supplies. In addition he proudly announced the over 20% increase the last few years in Mead Data Control. Mead employs 2,300 people in Dayton.

Our own member, Bob Beerbower, Chairman of the Flexicore Systems, at the meeting of February 8, 1988, gave his experiences on starting a new company at the age of 62. In 1985, Bob and his wife, Marge, led a group of former Price Brothers Co. employees in a buy-out of the Flexicore Division on a leveraged basis for several millions of dollars.

Ambassador William Luers (a member of the Oakwood High School class of 1947) brought his considerable experience in the State Department to the meeting of February 22, 1988. He has served under six presidents and seven secretaries of state. His unique experience has been gained in Latin America and Soviet Russia. Having retired from diplomatic service, he is now serving as president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Before our speaker of February 2, 1988 was introduced, President John gave special recognition to Rotarian Dave Hulme and the Pine Club restaurant for its 4l years of service to the community and the special banquet given in its honor by the Newcome Society.

Rotarian Jerry Kirby, Chairman, President and CEO of Citizens Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. shared with the Club the excitement surrounding the building of the Citizens Federal Centre. The dreams of Rotarians Bob Almoney and Hack Campbell are being realized in this new project. Citizens Federal is the largest federally chartered thrift institution in Ohio and has its own Citifed Mortgage Corporation, which has become one of the nation’s top 100 mortgage banking firms.

The March 21, 1988 meeting was designated as a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the 1913 flood. Bob Reemelin of the Miami Valley Conservancy District presented a special slide and video presentation including many photo clips of actual flood pictures that graphically showed the tragic consequences. In four days in March as much rain fell in the valley as goes over Niagara Falls in 28 days. The citizens of Dayton determined that this would never happen again and a Flood Prevention Committee, chaired by John H. Patterson, raised over $2 million in local funds to conduct a study of the Miami Valley region. Bonds were sold and no federal funds were used. The Conservancy District was established and ten years after the flood, the Miami Valley region was free from the danger of flooding.

April 4, 1988 was designated especially for Paul Harl is Fellowships, which were presented to 9 members and the wife of our President. Past District Governor, Glen Brandon, made the presentations giving some interesting background on the Rotary lnternational Foundation. Neil Hazel of the Northmont Club and General Chairman of the PolioPlus program for our District spoke on the status of the program and commended us on the commitment our Club has made. He noted that every $1,000 contribution equates to 8,000 polio inoculations. The ten new Fellows are E Bartlett Brooks, A J Bush, William Gray, Barbara Henry, Philip Hughes, James Pippenger, Jeff Siebenthaler, Robert Siebenthaler, Jacques O’Hara and James Walsh.

Isaiah Jackson, Music Director of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra brought his experiences as well insights into the history of conducting an orchestra. Isaiah also serves as music director of the Royal Ballet at Covent Garden in London. In Europe, conductors are civil servants, in England orchestras are cooperative endeavors; and in our country orchestras are non-profit organizations run by community leaders.

May 23, 1988 was devoted to recognizing 125 years of achievement in business education of Miami Jacobs Junior College of Business. Charlie Harbottle, retired President of the school, introduced the current President, his nephew, Charlie Campbell. Miami Jacobs has a current enrollment of 450 students. 40% attend night school; 50% are under 24 years of age; 85% are female and 33% are minorities. The major areas of studies are word processing, medical office assistants and computer programming.

Stressing how Cleveland has become a strong and vibrant city overcoming a deficit of $ 111 million, George Voinovich, the Mayor of Cleveland brought his message to the Club on June 20, 1988. Because of close cooperation between the business and public sectors of Cleveland this permitted the city to undergo rebirth and rejuvenation in the 1980’s. Mayor Voinovich feels that if the federal government can develop the same partnerships and the same business planning approach to problems, that our country can turn around in the same fashion as Cleveland.

June 24, 1988 marked a memorable 75th anniversary celebration of our Dayton Rotary at the Moraine Country Club. lt. also provided the occasion for recognizing the exceptional year of John O Henry who will be retiring with his wife, Barbara, to their beautiful home on Mt Deselt Island in Maine.

Charter Members

George S. Blanchard
Charles L.G. Brene
Charles Brenner
F.P. Charlton
A.C. Harris
T.S. Hoskot
Frank G. Kemper
E.S. Kent
C.C. Limbocker
Carl Loy
Thomas McGee
John L. Miller
Scott Pierce
Dr. Oliver G. Stout
Norman G. Weiffenbach
James R. Woodhull
(All Deceased)

*Past Presidents

Kimberly Bramlage 2023-24
Walter Hibner 2022-23
Shaun Yu 2021-22
Brian O. Martin 2020-21
Jean Maychack 2019-20
Richard Wegmann 2018-19
Susan Taylor 2017-18
Amy Radachi 2016-17
David P. Williamson 2015-16
Stephen D. Naas 2014-15
Gregory A. Birkemeyer 2013-14
Frank H. Scott 2012-13
Mark J. Meister 2011-12
Paul E. Miller 2010-11
Kathleen Carlson 2009-10
Constance M. Mahle 2008-09
David L. Neer 2007-08
Hans J. Berkel* 2006-07
John W. Lohbeck 2005-06
James N. Beerbower 2004-05
Joe A. Lambright 2003-04
Gary W. Gottschlich 2002-03
Clarence J. Bittner* 2001-02
Alan F. Pippenger 2000-01
Susanne A. Weaver 1999-00
Gerald M. Hauer 1998-99
Robert V. French* 1997-98
William R. Martin 1996-97
Thomas E. Maher, Jr. 1995-96
Charles H. Hall* 1994-95
Richard T. Flaute* 1993-94
James M. Gallagher* 1992-93
Charles G. Campbell 1991-92
Giuseppe Bassani 1990-91
Glenn E. Alexander 1989-90
Robert K. Siebenthaler* 1988-89
John O. Henry* 1987-88
Nick Harris 1986-87
Allan L. Johnston, Jr.* 1985-86
Robert F. Chelle 1984-85
William B. Lambert* 1983-84
Charles W. Hayes* 1982-83
Robert L.R. Smith* 1981-82
William K. McCormick* 1980-81
Thomas M. Bates* 1979-80
Jerry Weissinger* 1978-79
Robert C. Barr* 1977-78
B. Lyle Shafer* 1976-77
Fred M. Nathanson* 1975-76
Jerome E. Muth* 1974-75
Howard C. Weber* 1973-74
James E. Rich* 1972-73
Jack L. Ames* 1971-72
Robert W. Richards¥* 1970-71
Maurice R. Graney* 1969-70
Wallace R. Monschke* 1968-69
Franklin T. Hoernemann* 1967-68
Allan L. Johnston*¥ 1966-67
Dr. Alden J. Bush, Jr.* 1965-66
Robert E. Allen 1964-65
Charles F. Martin* 1963-64
Charles P. Harbottle* 1962-63
Wayne D. Staley* 1961-62
Louis Wozar* 1960-61
Andrew W. Pease, Jr.* 1959-60
D. Hobart Rickard* 1958-59
Walter F. Oelman* 1957-58
Robert W. Almoney* 1956-57
Donald H. Lansing* 1955-56
Ned L. Langer* 1954-55
Carl D. Werner* 1953-54
Albert G. Lauzon* 1952-53
Robert C. Canby* 1951-52
Edward L. Kohnle* 1950-51
Huston Brown* 1949-50
John W. Sweeterman* 1948-49
Charles M. McLean* 1947-48
Louis S. Jacobson*¥ 1946-47
Daniel Schryver* 1945-46
E. Bartlett Brooks* 1944-45
Fern J. Blose* 1943-44
Clarence O. Siebenthaler* 1942-43
C. Russell Martin* 1941-42
Collins Wight* 1940-41
Frank R. Henry* 1939-40
Emerson H. Landis* 1938-39
Dr. A.J. Lewis* 1937-38
Thomas S. Mitchell* 1936-37
Charles M. Kelso* 1935-36
Paul F. Emmert* 1934-35
Charles W. Brooks* 1933-34
Walter P. Locke* 1932-33
Sherwood P. Snyder* 1931-32
William S. Robinson* 1930-31
O.J. Emrick* 1929-30
George D. Antrim* 1928-29
Robert D. Hughes*¥ 1927-28
Horace M. Huffman* 1926-27
Paul C. Stetson* 1925-26
Earl T. Reeder* 1924-25
Fenton T. Bott* 1923-24
William E. Harbottle* 1922-23
James W. Downer* 1921-22
Robert Patterson*¥- 1920-21
Jesse B. Gilbert* 1919-20
C. Fred Young* 1918-19
Charles L.G. Breene* 1917-18
Dr. Howard H. Herman* 1916-17
John A. MacMillan* 1915-16
Jake A. Oswald*¥ 1914-15
Jake A. Oswald*¥ 1913-14
Scott A. Pierce* 1912-13

* Deceased
¥ Past District Governor -Past Vice President RI

Honorary Members

The Rotary Club of Dayton is proud of its rich heritage of Honorary Members beginning with Orville Wright on February 5, 1914. Our first Honorary female member was Mrs. Virginia Kettering.

An Honorary Member is one who has distinguished him/herself by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals and community service.

William S. Anderson,  Retired Chairman NCR Corporation
Judy Dodge,  Montgomery County Commissioner
Matt Joseph,  Dayton City Commissioner
Deborah A. Lieberman,  Montgomery County Commissioner
Chris Shaw,  Dayton City Commissioner
Jeffrey Mims Jr.,  Dayton City Commissioner
Judge Walter Rice,  US District Court Judge
Burnell R. Roberts,  Retired Chairman Mead Corporation
Nan Whaley,  Mayor City of Dayton