Our Committees

Organization Chart



DIRECTOR: Will Couts

  • Mentoring;  Latisha Taylor
  • Fall Coats+ Drive;  Kathleen Carlson
  • JA Success Skills;  Amy Radachi
  • Rotary Reads;  Kim Spurgeon
  • Four-Way Test Speech Contest;  TBD

Mentoring – Work with students at a school to be determined.  Provide students with essential skills such as networking, research and internship opportunities, and a unique perspective from someone with greater experience or knowledge in your profession. 

Fall Coats+ Drive – Donate, organize and deliver coats and outerwear to needy students in the Dayton Public Schools in the fall.  Most recently we have been providing for the homeless students in the DPS district and those in economically disadvantaged situations.  In some cases we may supply other needed clothing items as well. 

Junior Achievement – Meets the needs of a diverse group of students by providing engaging, academically enriching, and experiential learning sessions in work-readiness education and career perspectives. Seven required, volunteer-led sessions are designed to support the skills and competencies identified by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. These programs also augment school-based, work-based, and connecting activities for communities with school-to-work initiatives.  

Rotary Reads – Dayton Rotarians volunteer to read in the classroom with students at Dayton Public Schools or other locations as needed.

4-Way Test Speech Contest – Help organize and conduct a speech contest on the topic of the Rotary Four-Way test for high school students. The winning student will be asked to give their speech at a Monday Rotary meeting and will go on to compete at the District Contest Level.



DIRECTOR: Karla Garrett Harshaw

  • Ethics In Business;  John Neff
  • Marketing and Public Relations;  Alexis Larsen                     Social Media – Karen Hesser
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA);  Tracey Tomme
  • Restored Citizens;  Cindy Garner
  • Interact;  Lonnie Franks
  • Rotaract; TBD
  • Peace;  Carolyn Rice                                                                   YPALS – Andrea Wall & Cathy Gardner
  • Annual Community Event;  Chas Woodhull

Ethics in Business – An opportunity to participate on an “as available” basis in roundtable discussions with University of Dayton business students and faculty. Meetings are held on campus five or six times a semester over lunch last about an hour and a half. Must attend once a semester.

Marketing and Public Relations – Through the use of Social Media, Media Releases and other means provide awareness of our Rotary Club and it’s programs and projects to the Greater Dayton community.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) – Identify leaders and potential leaders in their Junior year of High School by working with Dayton public and private schools. Those chosen will attend a two-day seminar presented by District 6670 at Camp Kern generally held in March/April timeframe.   Volunteers also serve as chaperones on the trip to and from Camp Kern on the bus with students.

Interact – Help to organize, lead, and support “Rotary Groups” at the High School Level.  Currently we are working towards forming an Interact Group at the DECA.

Rotaract – Help to organize, lead, and support “Rotary Groups” at the College Level.  

Peace – To encourage and foster the Fourth Object of Rotary (“The advancement of …peace through a world fellowship of business and professional person united in the ideal of service”)  and First Rotary Area of Focus ”Promoting Peace”. The Peace Committee will strive to become educated on Rotary’s focus on peace and conduct education sessions on peacemaking, for both adults and youth in the community. 

                  YPALS                                                                Co-Chairs:  Andrea Wall & Cathy Gardner

In its third year, this Dayton-based Rotary District 6670 Committee leads both the annual Youth Peace Advocacy, Leadership & Service (YPALS) Day as well as the promotion of the Youth Peace Action online curriculum to schools and youth organizations for 13-18 year olds interested in earning “Peacebuilder Certifications.” Students and Rotary volunteers may also choose to take on small local peace projects to address specific community needs, but that is not a requirement.

Restored Citizens – The Restored Citizens Committee is grounded in the Rotarian principles of “Service above Self” and is committed to making our Club a force for assisting those in our local community that are less fortunate than us to become self-sufficient and to become contributing community citizens. This committee is focused on supporting the Montgomery County Office of Ex-Offender Reentry and other organizations, where appropriate, in providing volunteers to support the reintegration of ex-offenders and marginalized persons into the community as restored citizens, by providing an array of volunteer activities, including, but not limited to, conducting mock interviews, providing resume creation support, supporting the planning of reentry employment fairs for both veterans and non-veterans, and exploring opportunities for finding employers willing to hire returning citizens.


Annual Community Event –  Work to plan, coordinate, promote and offer a new event for Dayton Rotary. Goal is to host a fun, family-friendly summer event in the downtown area, that is a fundraiser for the Club and an opportunity to increase the community’s awareness of what we do. Successful event will also provide us with some potential new members and ways to build it and grow each year after the first one in 2024.


DIRECTOR: Kelly Lehman

  • International Service Projects;  Diane Welborn
  • Youth Exchange ; Linda Groover
  • Rotary International Foundation;  Frank Scott

International Service Projects – Provide membership the opportunity to participate in service projects, financial and hands-on, outside of the United States in conjunction with Rotary Clubs in host country.   The committee has completed multiple projects in Africa (Kenya and Nigeria) and is currently completing one in a small village in the Andes north of Quito Ecuador. The projects have involved clean water, sanitation, health care and education and have received both district and Rotary International grant funding (well over $100,000). These projects are defined and managed by the committee along with visits to other Rotary Clubs to give them the opportunity to participate in an international project.

Youth Exchange – Recruits outbound high school students for short term and long term (up to one academic year) home stays in other parts of the world; host foreign students who are spending a year here as part of a Rotary youth exchange. Interested in helping with incoming exchange student perhaps just hosting for a weekend or taking them on an excursion with your family so they can have a variety of experiences while in our country.

Rotary International Foundation – Promote interest in the projects of the Rotary International Foundation and promote member donations to help support the Foundation. Rotary International encourages every Rotarian to donate a minimum of $125 per year to the RI Foundation.


DIRECTOR: Darlene Nelson

  • Membership Retention; Kim Bramlage
  • RED Ribbon;  Sue Taylor & Judy Budi
  • Social/Fireside;  Dona Vella
  • Sports;  Steve Naas, Jack Lohbeck, Walt Hibner
  • Remembrance and Visitation;  Kim Bramlage
  • SMILE;  Laura Erbaugh 
  • Programs Coordinator; Lisa Grigsby
  • Audio/Visuals; Sarah Hippensteel Hall/Steve Naas
  • Virtual Operations; Fran Rickenbach
  • Vocational Programs; Laura Erbaugh
  • Book Club; Susan Hayes

Membership Retention–  Target those members who may be at-risk for leaving the club through personal contact and encourage engagement in club activities. 

Red Ribbon – Provide new members with an opportunity to meet with fellow new members in an informal setting furthering their knowledge of Rotary and integration into the club.   NOTE:  All new members are automatically part of this committee until they complete their red ribbon tasks and participate in a takeover day in the Spring.

Social – Organize and plan social events in which Rotarians can gather and become better acquainted including “Fireside Chats”.

Sports – Participate in the various Rotary sporting teams/events such as Bowling, Golf and Cycling to Serve.

Remembrance and Visitation and Life Celebrations – Send cards, visit members who are unable to attend meetings due to illness or in other situations help with rides for those who are unable to drive themselves to meetings.

SMILE – Volunteer to take the minutes of the Monday meetings (“This Happened Last Monday”) report that is featured in the SMILE weekly newsletter.

Programs Coordinator–  To provide high quality, relevant and important programs for the edification and entertainment of our Rotary members on a regular and continuing basis. 

Audio/Visuals–  Prepare weekly slide show for membership with club announcements and events.  Help weekly speaker with their power point if applicable. 

Virtual Operations–  Assist with Zoom functions for Monday meetings when Chair is unavailable. 

Vocational Programs– Develop a vocational schedule that could dovetail with our program schedule to leverage interest.  Develop other opportunities to leverage knowledge of community and networking desires of our members.  Includes: vocational presentations, Rotary on the Road, Annual Vocational Fair.

Book Club–  Join with fellow Rotarians in reading the selected book and meeting with the group every couple of months to discuss the chosen book.


DIRECTOR: Adam Horseman

  • Membership Recruitment;  Adam Horseman
  • New Member Orientation;  Frank Scott

Membership Recruitment – Recruit targeted businesses and individuals for Rotary Membership and organize an annual membership drive and special membership events.

New Member Orientation – Educate potential members on what Rotary is and what is expected as a new member. Generally meets once a month at 11 am prior to Rotary

FOCUS AREA: SECRETARY (Meeting Logistics/Volunteers)

SECRETARY: Sarah Hippensteel Hall

  • Reception and Welcome Visitors;  Laura Erbaugh
  • Badge Board;  Laura Erbaugh
  • Invocation;  Bill Nance
  • Sgt-At-Arms;  Sarah Hippensteel Hall

Meeting Logistics/Volunteers – Each meeting will have a full complement of volunteers to handle all the required functions. Includes: Reception and Welcome Visitors (sign up sheet), Badge Board, Invocation, and Sgt-at-Arms.



  • Nominating Committee;  Walt Hibner
  • Clubhouse 39;  Walt Hibner

Nominating – Provide qualified nominees for Club election of Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and open Directors and Foundation Trustee positions. This committee is appointed by the Board of Directors

Clubhouse 39 – Organize Holiday Sweepstakes and other Fund-raising events provide fellowship opportunities for the members of Clubhouse 39. (39 people comprised of members with longest tenure in the club, past presidents and current president)


TREASURER:  Steve Conklin

  • Technology;  TBD
  • Finance; Steve Conklin

Technology– Effective use of technology is a key attribute of successful organizations in today’s digital world. This committee will assist the Executive Director and Club in updating our website, evaluating and recommending new applications, evaluating and recommending District and International applications for possible use and ensuring that safeguards are in place for backing up our Club’s data.

Finance– Members of the finance committee assist the Treasurer in ensuring fiscal accountability within the Club.  Members will assist during the weekly meetings with various responsibilities related to cash collections.  Members will attend meetings called by the Treasurer to discuss best practices and ways to improve club finances, budgeting and internal controls.  Members will also provide continuity of procedures as new Treasurers take on leadership of the Club.